How do I get input from the keyboard?

We will assume that you know how to import Minueto into your project and how to create a MinuetoWindow. If this is not the case, please read How to build your first game Window?.

Minueto handles input using a combination of event queues and handlers. When input is received, it is placed in an event queue. The appropriate handler can then be called to process the event.

To process input from the keyboard, you must first build a class that implements the MinuetoKeyboardHandler interface. In other words, that class must have the following two functions: handleKeyPress and handleKeyRelease. Those functions will be invoked each time a keyboard event is processed Do not forget to add the implement MinuetoKeyboardHandler keywords in the class declaration.

The following example describes a class to handle keyboard input for our Demo. When the user press the Q key, our demo quits. All other input is ignored.

public class DemoKeyboardHandler implements MinuetoKeyboardHandler {

    public void handleKeyPress(int value) {
        switch(value) {
            case MinuetoKeyboard.KEY_Q:
                // Ignore all other keys

    public void handleKeyRelease(int value) {
        // Do nothing on key release

	public void handleKeyType(char key) {
        // Do nothing on key type

When a user presses a key on the keyboard, he generates a keyPress event. When a user releases a key, a keyRelease event is generated. If a user presses a key but doesn't release it, multiple keyPress events are generated. However, only one keyRelease will be generated when he release the key. After a user releases the key, a keyType event is generated.

When building a game, it is much better to use the keyPress and the keyRelease events. The keyType should be reserved for text-based task, such as building a text box.

The second step is to build the event queue that will receive the keyboard events. New events are store in a MinuetoEventQueue, but are only processed when the handle method is invoked.

MinuetoWindow window;
MinuetoEventQueue queue;

window = new MinuetoFrame(640, 480, true);
queue = new MinuetoEventQueue();
window.registerKeyboardHandler(new DemoKeyboardHandler(), queue);

Notice that the registerKeyboardHandler method also requires a MinuetoEventQueue as a parameter. This will allow programmers to create different event queues for different types of events.

Only one task is left. As mentioned before, events are not handled automatically. We need to add some code to process the events. The rendering loop is an ideal candidate since we want to process keyboard input before rendering each frame.

The following code checks to see if the event queue is empty. If it is not empty, then the events are processed one at a time until the queue is empty. Notice that you only need to invoke the handle method. Minueto takes care of figuring out what method from which handler should be used.

while(true) { 

    while (queue.hasNext()) {


So far, we have a handler class, an event queue and a modified rendering loop. If we put all of these pieces together, we can build a keyboard demo.

In the beginning of this howto, I create a separate class to handle the keyboard input. However, nothing prevents me from using my Demo class as both the starting class and the keyboard handler.

import org.minueto.*; 
import org.minueto.handlers.*; 
import org.minueto.image.*; 
import org.minueto.window.*; 

public class Demo implements MinuetoKeyboardHandler {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MinuetoWindow window; 
        MinuetoEventQueue queue;

        window = new MinuetoFrame(640, 480, true); 
        queue = new MinuetoEventQueue();
        window.registerKeyboardHandler(this, queue);

        while(true) { 
            while(queue.hasNext()) {

    public void handleKeyPress(int value) {
        switch(value) {
            case MinuetoKeyboard.KEY_Q:
                // Ignore all other keys

    public void handleKeyRelease(int value) {
        // Do nothing on key release

    public void handleKeyType(char key) {
        // Do nothing on key type

You can learn more about handling input by looking at the handle demos found in the sample directory.