How do I run Minueto in Eclipse?
Getting Minueto to work in Eclipse isn't overly complicated.
Let's step through it bit by bit:
- Download Minueto from the downloads section
- Extract the Zip file to some location.
- Start new Eclipse Project, or work in your current one.
- Copy the "Minueto.jar" from "lib" directory of the extracted archive to your project directory for easy access. (I'd suggest making own "lib" directory in the project.)
- Refresh Your Eclipse Workspace. (Right-click on the Project and go to "Refresh".) It should look like:

- Right-click on the Project and go to "Properties".
- In the tree on the left click on "Java Build Path", ensure the "Libraries" tab is selected on the right pane.
- Click on the "Add JARs" Button.
- Locate the "Minueto.jar" file in your project as below:

- Click OK
- Click OK
- "Now you're working with Minueto!"