How do I run Minueto in Eclipse?

Getting Minueto to work in Eclipse isn't overly complicated.

Let's step through it bit by bit:

  1. Download Minueto from the downloads section
  2. Extract the Zip file to some location.
  3. Start new Eclipse Project, or work in your current one.
  4. Copy the "Minueto.jar" from "lib" directory of the extracted archive to your project directory for easy access. (I'd suggest making own "lib" directory in the project.)
  5. Refresh Your Eclipse Workspace. (Right-click on the Project and go to "Refresh".) It should look like:Eclipse Screenshot
  6. Right-click on the Project and go to "Properties".
  7. In the tree on the left click on "Java Build Path", ensure the "Libraries" tab is selected on the right pane.
  8. Click on the "Add JARs" Button.
  9. Locate the "Minueto.jar" file in your project as below:Instruction Sequence Screenshot
  10. Click OK
  11. Click OK
  12. "Now you're working with Minueto!"